Based in Edinburgh

Paul Neave

It's Nice To Meet You

Hello and welcome to my web page. My name is Paul and I’m based in the south side of Edinburgh.

Before joining Travel Counsellors in 2008, I worked for over 16 years in other travel agencies, gaining a wealth of experience along the way, now amounting to more than 20 years in the industry. I have excellent geographical and travel knowledge and a passion for service and customer satisfaction that will ensure your travel arrangements are dealt with in an efficient, competent and very friendly manner - all from the comfort of your own office or home. Why not check out my customer testimonials displayed on this page? I also have experience in dealing with marine and offshore fares.

2012 was a record year for me with my best ever sales and I've successfully retained the accolade of Gold Travel Counsellor with a 100% record in our customer service question: "How likely is it that you would recommend your Travel Counsellor?"

I love travelling and have visited many destinations. Some of my personal favourites being Paris, Montreal, Mexico City, Damascus, Istanbul, Lisbon, Berlin & Copenhagen to name just a few.

I love being a Travel Counsellor as I have the freedom to tailor make your business travel arrangements around your own needs making sure that your trip runs smoothly and stress free.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Contact Me

Whatever your business needs I'm here to help you, so please get in touch with me and I can get things started:

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My corporate testimonials

Sent by Julie Mousdell

Having booked travel for employees for over 15 years, I can honestly say that Paul is the most professional, efficient and all round excellent travel agent I have ever used. He is always ready and willing to go the extra mile.

Sent by Kenneth Wilson

I have used Paul for several years for both my personal and business travel and would recommend his very professional approach to his travel business. His assistance is both helpful and cost effective.

Sent by Donna Lockett

I have used Paul's travel expertise for the past 10 years. In that time, Paul has always been efficient, pleasant and reliable and has never let me down; eveything always seems to run smoothly when I book flights with Paul. Over the past 10 years we have built a relationship where he knows what I am saying and what I want even though I haven't said it correctly or wrote it correctly. One word - STAR.
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